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"After six months of struggling under a traditional software Methodology, at my previous employer, it was apparent we would never make our date unless something dramatic occurred.  That’s when I discovered R.I.M. ...

Here’s What Our Customers Are Saying About Us ...



"...R.I.M. enabled AOL’s HR team, in the PeopleSoft implementation, to be a focused, self-directed unit.  AOL was able to complete the implementation in remarkable time, and thus reduce the high costs attributable to consultant fees."

Mark Stavish, Sr. Vice President of Human Resources

America Online



"I benefited from the worksheets and project examples.  There is a great deal of information that I will use in the material provided."

American Red Cross



"Excellent training and outstanding delivery.  Maximum Potential and Mary Ann McIlraith provided me with a more detailed roadmap that will definitely take me on the road to success.  I am excited.  I can’t wait to use what I have learned on my next project."




"The tools and methodology presented can be applied to all projects."




"It’s an excellent method for project organization.  We can all talk the same language."

Entertainment Company



"The motivational factor alone is worth the class."




"Good background material on different aspects of the project.  Very good first class?I know you are going to have great success with this.'

The TRANE Company



"All my customers and prospects that attended R.I.M. workshops, are on schedule on their projects, and most important, they are managing the project, THE PROJECT is not managing them"

Sales Manager – PeopleSoft



 "Usable information, samples, approaches, strategies for all phases of project implementation.  Trainers had an excellent ability to communicate and make contact with the audience."

Major Utility