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MPI helped AOL create intranet & extranets before they were ever labeled “e-commerce” , Recover sync money, immediately getting project back on track as well as was hired and delivered a world class profitable project.


MPI worked closely with Dave Duffield, Founder and Chairman of PeopleSoft Instrumental in helping PeopleSoft and their clients implement products faster and more efficiently while minimizing implementation costs



Struggling for 18 months to secure a mission critical project - MPI was hired to implement R.I.M. and successfully ran the project. Executive JAD (2 Day) session was performed which translated their vision into business deliverables - resulting in laser-like focus,

realistic funding and timelines as well as meeting management expectations



With run away costs & time, heavy customizations and several consulting firms involved, MPI was hired to work closely with management in order to resolve the situation. Placing R.I.M. to work bringing efficiency to the organization



netMaximo.com’s CEO continues to look to MPI as the “Leading Authority on Implementation and Leadership”



LNR, a real estate development and management conglomerate. MPI Streamlined operations by implementing strong disciplines and creating a new in house product called “B.A.M.”